CLIDE Safety Enabler and Barriers Indicator Rating   (CSEBIR) 

CLIDE Safety Enabler and Barriers Indicator Rating (CSEBIR) provides research, ratings, and data analysis for companies to improve safety performance index and zero injury goals arising from data analytics. Through an in-depth analysis of data captured with our statistical tools, we help companies to know the safety performance barriers which stops them from achieving zero in spite of putting in hard efforts. Anything more than “ZERO” always reflects on the balance sheet as expenditure and brings down the profit. CSEBIR tool can reveal hidden barriers or opportunities that may not be captured by conventional analyses. 

Gap Assessment


CLIDE SEBIR is designed to help companies understand safety performance barriers and opportunities and integrate these factors into the procedure and management process. Our team of research analysts assesses SEBIR data points across 7 SEBIR issues for the company, focusing on the relationship between a company’s core business and SEBIR issues that can create risks and opportunities for the company. 

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Knowing the potential barriers can impact your investment patterns from macro SEBIR trends. From resource scarcity to changing governance standards, from the global workforce to a rapidly evolving regulatory landscape, SEBIR factors can impact the long-term risk and return of investment. 

CLIDE  Strategy Insights

Talk to our consultant to know about our C-SEBIR tool

Join us and make your company a safer place.

What result can you expect?

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Identify the enablers and barrier

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Underperformed safety metrics

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Recommendation for improvement

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Action plan for next 5 yrs

Example of our work

CLIDE Implementation has helped clients deliver substantial results in achieving more than 31 lakh safe man-hours, in industries ranging from oil and gas, construction, and pharma to steel and manufacturing. 

How rating can benefit the organization? 

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The percentage ratio of accident and training cost is calculated in the PBT (Profit before tax). Lesser than 1 Accident to PBT ratio helps improve the safety performance index. Training cost expenditure did for safety competency improvement also helps improve the safety performance index, provided this score helps Human Capital Development Score (HCDS) to be on the higher side. For. ex. if the Training to PBT ratio is high but the HCDS is very less, your company safety performance index will also come down. 

By the number - Industry Served- Oil, Gas, Pharma, Steel, Construction, Shipyard, Power


Consulting Project


Training Conducted

>3 yrs

Project Duration


Digital Tool


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CLIDE  Strategy Insights

PPE Excellence Model

People, Process and Equipment helps organization improve the safety maturity curve. The model helps identify the enablers and barriers related to three major pillars of the organization and those are - People who perform the activity, Process - which are designed for safe work and Equipment - which are used to process the raw material to finished goods. 

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Data Driven Decision Making

Explore how data driven decision making can help organisation improve decision making to achieve safety excellence. The core of any safety excellence model is the data driven DNA at all levels of the organisation.

Talk to our consultant to know about our C-SEBIR tool

Join us and make your company a safer place.